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Domains Explained

  1. What is a Domain Name?

    A Domain Name is an Internet address which can be used for an email account or a web site. Examples would be '' and ''. These could be used for email addresses such as '' and '' or for web sites such as '' and ''.

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  2. What are the different types of Domains?

    Initially there was only one set of Domains which included '.com', '.net' and '.org', these are the gTLDs (general Top Level Domains). As the Internet grew, country code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) were introduced such as '.jp' for japan, '.de' for Germany and '.uk' for the United Kingdom.

    BeepDomains currently offers UK customers Domain Name registrations for the global '.com', '.net' and '.org' Domains as well the UK Domains '', '', '', '' and ''.

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  3. How are Domain Names assigned?

    Domain Names are registered with their Naming Authority for a Registrant (the Domain Name holder). Domain Names are registered for a fixed time period (usually 1 or 2 years) and are renewable thereafter. Every Domain Name must have at least two Internet Name Servers that are authoritative for the Domain Name.

    ISPs (Internet Service Providers) deal with the Naming Authorities on behalf of their customers and provide various services for the Domain Names using their Internet Name Servers.

    BeepDomains is one such service provider and specialises in providing a one solution package that incorporates everything required to obtain a Domain Name (registration/renewal with the Naming Authority, Internet Name Servers and all the services associated with Domains).

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  4. How long does a registration last?

    Naming Authorities are independent from each other and have varying registration periods. BeepDomains works on the basis of either a 1 year or a 2 year service period. At the end of a service period, the Registrant has the option to renew the Domain Name for another service period. During the service period the Domain Name will be renewed with the Naming Authority as required.

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  5. Which Domain should I register my name under?

    This is a matter of personal choice: the global Domains are generic and therefore do not indicate where you are based whereas the UK Domains clearly show that you are situated in the United Kingdom. Many people choose to register names under both types of Domain.

    The type of registrant, such as commercial or non-profit organisations, dictates the type of Domain that should be registered. A summary of all the Domain rules is available on the BeepDomains UK web site at

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  6. How can I find out if the Domain Name that I want is available?

    BeepDomains provides an advanced on-line searching facility which dynamically lists available Domain Names. On every BeepDomains UK web page, there is an orange box at the top of the screen that enables you to search for your Domain Names. Just enter a name, choose a Domain and click search.

    After submitting a search, you will be presented with a result indicating whether or not that Domain Name is available. Just repeat this process until you have compiled a list of Domain Name(s) that you would like to register. From here all you have to do is click Continue to go to the on-line order form.

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  7. Why should I register my Domain Name(s) as soon as possible?

    Domain Names are registered on a first come first served basis and are being registered at an astounding rate (over 100,000 UK Domains are being registered per month). Should you wait to register, there is a considerable chance that your Domain Name(s) will be registered by someone else. It is therefore advisable that you should register your Domain Name(s) as soon as possible.

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  8. What if the name that I want is already registered?

    If the Domain Name that you want is already registered, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to obtain it. On average, over 75% of Domain Names are renewed and it is advisable that you search for a different name or a variation of your original name. A common convention used is to apply the hyphen '-' within the name or to use a prefix or suffix such as 'dot' or 'online' respectively. There are an infinite number of variations that could be used and these are just as effective as other Domain Names. See the BeepDomains advice page for suggestions of other Domain Name alternatives (

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  9. How do I use my Domain Name for my email address?

    Email Forwarding is the service that allows you to use your Domain Name as your email address: all email sent to your Domain Name is forwarded to your existing email address. Example:
    goes to

    When you receive an email addressed to your Domain Name, the To: field contains the Domain Name email address so you may see which email address the sender used (your existing email address or your domain name email address).

    In order to send email using your Domain Name, you simply set your reply-email address for your existing email account to your Domain Name. This seamlessly masks your actual email address and makes your email account use your Domain Name.

    It is also possible to set up individual email forwarding such as:
    goes to
    goes to

    etc... These are just 2 examples but you may have up to 50 separate email forwarding addresses.

    If you have any questions about email forwarding or need help setting up your email masking, please email and we will get back to you with everything you need to know.

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  10. How do I use my Domain Name for my web site?

    Web Forwarding is the service that allows you to use your Domain Name for your web site: is mapped onto your existing web site address so that your web space may be reference by your domain name.

    This is a direct mapping which works with the entire directory tree of your web space. Example:
    maps to
    maps to

    There are two forms of web forwarding depending on the type of existing web space you have and both are seamless to the user. The first is very straight forward and is used with web space with a unique IP address. This type is usually associated with web space that you have to pay for (example: The second type utilises frames and is used for web space that is served by multiple IP addresses. This type is usually associated with free web space (example:

    If you have any questions about web forwarding or need help setting up your web forwarding, please email and we will get back to you with everything you need to know.

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  11. How many Domain Names can one person register?

    There are no restrictions on the number of Domain Names that a single person can register.

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  12. I have heard about some other UK Domains, what are these?

    BeepDomains deals only with the official Naming Authorities which are governed by strict rules of business. Other unofficial Domains are not considered appropriate for BeepDomains customers and BeepDomains discourages our customer from registering Domain Names within these unofficial Domains.

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  13. Why can't I deal with the Naming Authorities directly?

    It is possible to deal with a Naming Authority directly but they usually charge more to individuals who do not register in wholesale quantities. It is also necessary that two Internet Name Servers are provided which are under your control. BeepDomains aims to provide an unbeatable Domain Name package that simplifies the process of registering, maintaining, updating and renewing Domain Name(s) for our customers.

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  14. What can I do with a Domain Name in the long run?

    A Domain Name secures you Internet identity so that you are part of the Internet revolution. Your Domain Name can easily identify you through an email address and a web site. You can develop a strong presence on the Internet for yourself or your company and market your product (be it your skills as an individual or actual products or services). The Internet is redesigning the way the world works in terms of information distribution and product/service availability so do not miss your opportunity in this monumental Internet revolution. Registering a Domain Name is the first step.

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