BeepDomains Help Pages
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Cost and Payment

  1. What are the costs?

    There is only one payment per Domain Name per service period. The following table details the cost by Domain type:

    1 Year 2 Years £8.31 £9.78 £8.31 £9.78 £6.36 £7.82 £8.31 £9.78
    .com £14.67 £29.35
    .net £13.70 £27.39
    .org £12.71 £25.43
    .biz £14.67 £29.35
    .info £14.67 £29.35
    .eu £14.67 £29.35
    All prices include VAT.

    NOTE: every third UK Domain Name registered per single order is absolutely FREE.

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  2. How can I make payment?

    NOTE: all BeepDomains services purchased must be paid for in advance. All moneys are refunded should the registration/transfer of the Domain Name be unavailable.

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  3. Why are BeepDomains prices so low?

    BeepDomains prides itself on delivering good value as well as good service to our customers. We are able to do this because we deal in large numbers of Domain Name registrations and can therefore afford to reduce our prices and deliver great value for service.

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  4. Are there any hidden costs?

    No. There are no hidden or additional costs associated with the BeepDomains service. There is only one payment per Domain Name per service period.

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  5. What will be the renewal cost?

    The costs for renewing a Domain Name for a service period are the costs published on the BeepDomains web site at the time of renewal. BeepDomains is dedicated to providing low cost Domain Name services to our customers year after year.

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  6. Online payment security

    BeepWeb® Limited uses the SecureTrading network for processing credit card payments for the BeepDomains service. This means that our customers are assured the most secure and advanced payment solution available on the Internet.

    All transactions take place on a secure server (SSL) and are encrypted between your browser and the server. This means that nobody is able to obtain your credit card details nor other information.

    Of equal importance is the security which surrounds the payment system. By making use of SecureTrading BeepWeb® Limited has the most sophisticated online trading system available. It allows the safe processing of credit card payments with the bank, and completion of the financial transactions securely behind protected firewalls.

    No personal or financial details are left unencrypted on a remote server, and such details are never sent by Internet email.

    BeepWeb® Limited is committed to providing our customers with secure methods of payment over the Internet and will maintain this high level of security indefinitely.

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